Massage Therapy

Revitalize Your Well-being with Massage Therapy

Massage therapy offers a myriad of benefits, including enhancing circulation, stimulating the lymphatic system, promoting relaxation, reducing stress, improving joint mobility and flexibility, and aiding in the recovery of soft tissue injuries. At The Healing Agenda, our expertise lies in focused deep tissue massage while also providing the soothing experience of Swedish relaxation.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Hydration is key. Before and after your massage, ensure proper hydration. During the massage, the release of lactic acid and waste from muscles can lead to dehydration. Reintroducing water immediately after your session is crucial to a flawless recovery, preventing headaches, increased soreness, or extended recovery times.

  • Responses vary. Some may feel light-headed or dizzy upon sitting up, so it's advisable to rise slowly, allowing the body to acclimate. Soreness 24-48 hours post-massage is normal, and full recovery can take anywhere from 24-72 hours, depending on the depth of the massage.

  • For optimal results, schedule a massage first. This prepares the muscles and enhances flexibility. Ideal timing for a chiropractic adjustment is 2-3 days after your massage, allowing muscles to heal and facilitating an easier adjustment, prolonging its effectiveness.

  • Frequency varies based on individual needs. Generally, within a 2-week period builds on progress from the last massage, while anything beyond 2 weeks is akin to starting anew. A personalized treatment plan will be developed based on your goals and concerns. For maintenance, a monthly massage is a beneficial routine.

Get started on your healing journey.
Book a massage now.